Testimonial to Volume XII: Supplementary Documents (i)

Preface to Volume XII

I am very happy to write a word of introduction for this twelfth volume of the Precis of Official Catholic Teaching. This series has been an invaluable resource for students of theology as well as the average person to know and understand the teachings of the Church.

This series helps us to appreciate the great gift to the Church and to the world exemplified by the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II, with his many encyclicals and pastoral letters.

Pope John Paul II has emphasized the consistent teaching of the Catholic Church regarding the sanctity and dignity of all human life. Encyclicals such as Veritatis Splendor, Fides et Ratio, and Evangelium Vitae especially, focus our attention on the Importance of a proper philosophical theological and anthropological paradigm in attempting to answer the issues raised by the ever-changing technological and biological developments of our time.

It is my hope that this series, now complete with the current volume, will make the words of Pope John Paul, exercising his teaching office as Successor to St. Peter, more accessible to all people who are concerned about the truth and how to apply the truths revealed to us by God to present day situations.

My thanks go lo Mr. George P. Morse ond (he theologian who assisted him in preparing this series for their efforts to present the official teachings of the Catholic faith in o way that has proven helpful to seminarnans and all the faithful.


Archbishop William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore 


Archbishop William E. Lori

William Edward Lori is an American prelate of the Catholic Church who has served as the 16th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore in Maryland since 2012.

He was previously the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut and before that, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C.

Lectio Divina Cordis

Divine Reading of the Heart


HEAR the words as you inwardly read  or speak

– Read –


ENTER  the silence to reflect on a core precept

– Meditate –


ANSWER to the knock at the heart’s door

– Speak –


REST silently without words or thoughts

– Contemplate –


TRUST: “Do not let your HEART  be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”   (John 13:1)

 – Trust in the process –

Lectio Divina (Latin for “Divine Reading”) is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s Word. It does not treat scripture as texts to be studied, but as the living word.

The focus of Lectio Divina is not a theological analysis of biblical passages but viewing them with Christ  as the key to their meaning.

Approaching the Magisterium Summaries from this perspective may lead to a deeper appreciation of its meaning and  an appreciation of how it may be applied to one’s life.

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Katy Author

CEO, Katy's Company

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